Design Process

At its root, design is about finding solutions to problems. That said, properly defining the problems to be solved and finding the right solutions requires methodology or process.

Damien Newman's "Design Process Squiggle"

While there are many useful tools and points of design process that I use, it is of course true that not every project requires (or may even see much return from) every one of them. So the process and tools used must be tailored to the needs of individual projects and project teams.

Naturally, much of my employed or contracted discovery, strategy and process work is confidential and is protected, work-for-hire, intellectual property and covered under NDAs. Thus, the majority of what is found here is scrubbed or independently manufactured. This should provide a glimpse into how I work and the materials I produce.

In addition to the materials here, please be aware that I do have a larger collection of process materials that I have permission to show in controlled conditions (e.g. a personal meeting, during an interview, etc.), but not to make publicly available. Thank you for your understanding.

Project / Feature Definition Documents


Wireframes, Low to High Fidelity

Wireframes to Mockup

Mockup Comps

Feature/Release Design Documents

Process Flow Diagrams

UML Diagrams

More to Come...

In addition to the elements already included here, there a number of design related documents and materials that I regularly use and have on my list to add here (either by receiving permission to show scrubbed versions or by getting the time to generate independent samples).

The following is a quick bullet list of items on my current to-add list. It's provided here as a means of saying, "Yes, I use these in my process too (as appropriate), but don't currently have anything that I can show publicly."

  • Competitive and Partner Analysis
  • Mood Boards
  • Storyboards
  • Experience Maps
  • User Scenarios
  • User Stories / Journeys
  • Prototypes
  • Style Guides
  • Internal Tools

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