iHealthHome - Cloud Services (SaaS)

iHealthHome provides cloud-based software (i.e. SaaS) that connects health care teams with secure digital record-keeping, integration with sensors and wearable monitors (biometrics), integrated workflows, scheduling, and much more.

I joined iHealthHome, LLC in mid-2016, after Microsoft had decided to sunset Xbox Fitness and ended development.

During my time with the team at iHealthHome, I drove all client-side development for their services. To increase productivity and the stability of the products, I created a client-side code and asset integration build flow. I designed, tested, prototyped, and implemented a new 'Plan of Care' feature-set to provide a modularized, holistic approach to viewing and working with patient care plans. And, I built new (ground-up) iOS and Android apps for accessing the services.

Tools Used: Visual Studio Enterprise (2013-17), Visual Studio Code, Visio, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Experience Design (XD) Sketch (Bohemian Coding), Jenkins CI & Octopus Deploy.

Tech. & Frameworks/SDKs Used: Used: HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, SCSS, JSON, XML, ASP.NET MVC 5, AngularJS, jQuery, Moment.js, DevExtreme, Grunt, and more.

Magic: The Gathering™  —  PlayMagic.com

With more than 6 million players in over 75 countries, Magic: The Gathering™ is the globally recognized brand that started the trading card game (TCG) genre.

Given the game's world wide customer-base, Wizards of the Coast was interested in creating a platform that would allow their new PlayMagic.com site to serve viewers in many different languages, while capitalizing on the interactive and dynamic capabilities afforded by Flash.

To accomplish this, the site was developed with a Flash interface shell. All language-centric content (including HTML and CSS formatted body text, button labels and language inclusive images) is dynamically loaded from a separate XML file for a given user's language. In fact, even the animated text in the site's intro is dynamically loaded; creating a solution that's very powerful, yet easy to maintain, update, and expand.

The product was tied together with Flash Player version detection and a language selection screen (including default language detection).

Tools Used: Flash Professional 8, Adobe GoLive and Photoshop, XML, XHTML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript & Perforce (SCM)

Magic: The Gathering is a Trademark (™) of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.)

Magic: The Gathering™ Online III Tour

This site was developed for the release of the 3rd major revision of the Magic: The Gathering™ Online PC game by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

The site capitalized on the structure used for the PlayMagic site (described above), to allow for easy localization and updates. However, the site was never implemented for any language except English, thus no language selector was added.

Serving as an introduction to the PC game for new users and an overview of the new version's features for existing players, the 'Magic: The Gathering™ Online III Tour' site was designed to have more of an application-like feel, to better tie it to the related product. Some of the things done to support this included slightly more involved content transitions being used and a nifty little particle effect that was added to the primary interface buttons.

Tools Used: Flash Professional 8, GoLive CS 2, Illustrator CS2 and Photoshop CS2, XML, XHTML, JavaScript, & Perforce (SCM)

Magic: The Gathering is a Trademark (™) of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.)

MapleStory iTCG™  —  Online Tour

Merging traditional platform game elements in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORG), MapleStory has in excess of 40 million users registered worldwide.

As the founder of the trading card game (TCG) genre, Wizards of the Coast was the natural choice as developers of the MapleStory iTrading Card Game (iTCG): "a real-world Trading Card Game with codes redeemable for exclusive virtual-world game content."

This 'Online Tour' minisite was the second in a 2-part initiative to launch the new iTCG. It leveraged many of the assets that I designed and developed for the cross-platform CD-ROM (the first part of the initiative), which can be seen in the Interactive section here.

In addition to a new front menu and a learn to play demo, the online tour initially tied to an ASP server element to deliver a free 'special code' to visitors via email.

Unfortunately, when last I checked, it looks like the game and the web-site are no-more.

Tools Used: Flash Professional 8, Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop, XML, JavaScript & Perforce (SCM)

MapleStory is © 2007 NEXON Corp. All Rights Reserved. MapleStory, Nexon, and their logos are trademarks (™) of Nexon.
The MapleStory iTCG is a licenced product of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.)

Bassett Furniture Direct® - Franchise Sites

With franchise locations in place (and continually expanding) nation-wide, Bassett Furniture Direct® is a huge provider of fine furniture.

Shortly after joining Vega, Inc., I redesigned the Palm Beach, Florida franchise site (based on an original layout by my predecessor, Nick Deptula). As part of this redesign, the code base of the site was massively reduced and optimized. The architecture was redesigned to provide a fully extensible product. The most desirable customization options were identified and separated, to make development of other franchise location sites as quick as possible and provide other franchises with sites that had a personal feel, yet maintained continuity with one another. This led to a rapid succession of additional franchise sites, bringing the total number to seven, from Arizona to Florida.

Tools Used: Adobe GoLive, Illustrator and Photoshop, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Flash and Fireworks,
BBEdit, Navicat, Zend Studio Pro, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, & MySQL

Thompson's® WaterSeal®

During my time between working for Monolith Productions, Inc. and Zipper Interactive, I contracted with The Garrigan Lyman Group to help them with a revision and relaunch on the product website for Thompson's® WaterSeal®

My involvement on this project was pretty much just on the implementation side. I took care of turning the existing design specs and comps for the site into functional XHTML, CSS and JavaScript delivered via server-side Adobe ColdFusion.

One of the most interesting aspects of this project was that, for internal reasons, The Thompson's Company required that the site be fully supported in Internet Explorer 5.

The site has, of course, been revised since and I had no part in development or design of the current version.

Tools Used: Adobe Flash Professional, ColdFusion, Dreamweaver and Photoshop, XHTML, HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

Thompson's and WaterSeal are Registered Trademarks (®) of The Thompson's Company.

OIMA (Overlake Internal Medicine Associates)

From their web site:

"OIMA is a multispecialty medical group consisting of primary care physicians, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, pulmonologists, and oncologists."

Tools Used: Adobe GoLive, Illustrator and Photoshop, Macromedia Dreamweaver and Flash, HTML, CSS, ASP, & JavaScript

Copyright ©2005-2025 Tom Keen.  All rights reserved.

This site is tested and optimized for the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer & Microsoft Edge