Condemned 2: Bloodshot™  —  Multiplatform Video Game

Above is a short video sample of the Condemned 2: Bloodshotâ„¢ UI in action (mostly front-end, with a little bit of the multiplayer UI shown as well). This should help provide a good idea of the interface's aesthetic and behaviors.

Of course, if you have an Xbox 360 or a PS3, you could pick up a copy of the game for a more complete examination or download the available game demos via Xbox Live or PSN. Naturally, the demos are limited, but would provide for an interactive sample.

In addition, adjacent is a small gallery of images from the frontend UI. As an aside, console savvy viewers may note that the video sample was taken from the Xbox 360 version of the game, while the stills are from a combination of the 360 and PS3 versions (notable via the on-screen button prompts).

Tools Used: Flash Professional 8, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, Scaleform GFx, Perforce (SCM), & Internal Tools of Monolith Productions, Inc.

Condemned 2: Bloodshot is ™ and © 2008 Monolith Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Monolith and Monolith logo are ™ and © Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. Sega is a registered trademark ® of Sega Corporation.
Scaleform GFx is © Autodesk.

Copyright ©2005-2025 Tom Keen.  All rights reserved.

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